An Open Letter of Gratitude to the Universe

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Dear Universe –

I come to you with gratitude and the innocent heart of a child – a heart that is open and ready to see the good that surrounds me and the beauty that you lay at my feet. Like a child, I live in a state of radical amazement as I observe the miracles I experience in each new day and the peace I feel when I realize that my humble spirit is connected to you.  

My heart is ever grateful for…

Our differences – May I always appreciate how interesting our differences in appearance, background, and beliefs make our lives. A boring world it would be otherwise.


A healthy mind – I appreciate the curiosity I feel when encountering something new. May I always be willing to learn and grow.


A creative spirit  - May I continue to appreciate and explore those activities that fill my heart and define who I am.


A healthy body – The ability to move with a body that is able is a gift. May I be able to honor my body with clean food and water and exercise.


A family who loves me – Knowing I can always go home to where I got my start, comforts me, even if going home means keeping the memories alive of those who have gone before me.


Friends who support me  - Celebrating with those who are truly happy for me when things are good and supporting me when the chips down make me realize how lucky I am.


Being perfectly imperfect – May I always realize that imperfection is a gift. We learn from it.


The breath in my body – Without it, I cease to be.


Each new day  - May I always be grateful for the chance to start anew to be my best.


My students  - Each of you are forever in my heart. You have taught me so much.


I am truly grateful, dear Universe, and I am humbled by the power that surrounds me and to that power I surrender my grateful heart in this moment of grace.


With my deepest gratitude –


Angela Megasko