Knowing and Trusting

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Like the sun knows when to rise each day – shine.
Like the moon knows when to dip below the horizon each dawn – surrender.
Like the tree knows when to drop its leaves – let go.
Like the butterfly knows when to break the bonds of the cocoon – be strong.
Like the birds of the sky know when it is time to migrate – move on.
And, like the stream knows its way to the ocean – flow.

Nature has an incredible sense of knowing and trusting. Just observing the incredible rhythm and cycle of the Earth and its inhabitants, makes me catch my breath at the miracle of it all. It’s such a beautiful thing to witness a gaggle of geese as they make their way south or the budding of trees in the spring as the sap rises to produce another season of leaves designed and destined to offer us shade. I love how nature just knows what to do when the time is right.

As humans, we are a part of the miracle of nature but somehow, we ignore that intuitive sense we were born with that appeared when we took our first breath after birth. Think about it, how did we know to do that? As adults, we seem to stop listening to the wisdom of our inner voice even though we know that this is our deepest source of wisdom. The knowing but not trusting throws us out of alignment with our intended reason for being here- our dharma.

We know that we are intelligent, yet we hold back from sharing our thoughts and ideas with others.
We know we are strong, but we resist trying a new Yoga pose in class.
We know that relationships have a shelf life, but we often stay well beyond the expiration date.
We know that we are flexible, but we try to control those things that are beyond our sphere of influence.

Let me give you permission to trust what you know in your heart to be true when it comes to YOU. Get quiet and listen to that little voice inside that simply knows the right path. The hard part is then trusting that voice. It will allow you to shine, surrender, let go, be strong, move on or flow toward the people, places, and things in life that will give your spirit wings.

Angela Megasko