Embracing Transformation Through Release


Surrendering to the moment

In today’s fast-paced world, finding inner peace and harmony is more important than ever. We know that yoga is a practice that integrates physical postures, breathwork, and meditation but it also offers a transformative path toward self-discovery and growth. By surrendering to the present moment and letting go of control, we can unlock a profound sense of liberation and invite positive change into our lives.

Let me invite you to begin to think of Yoga as more than physical exercise.

It is a holistic approach that nurtures the mind, body, and soul. Surrender is a key element of this ancient practice. We can think of surrender on a physical level as we feel our muscles release and lengthen in our poses. But, surrender also involves releasing our attachment to outcomes, expectations, and judgments. Some days we can rock an amazing tree pose and on other days, we struggle. When we surrender on our yoga mats, we accept both, the magnificence and the struggle. On our mats, we let go - creating the space to embrace the present moment with acceptance for whatever we experience.

Embracing Vulnerability

Surrendering in yoga requires vulnerability. It means acknowledging our limitations and honoring our bodies’ unique capabilities. By surrendering to vulnerability, we create space for growth and transformation. We let go of self-criticism and comparison, fostering self-compassion and self-love. Through surrender on the mat, we invite surrender into our lives as we live “off the mat”, allowing us to navigate challenges with grace and resilience.

Finding Balance and Trust

We do balance poses in many of the Heart of Bliss Yoga classes to remind us to always seek balance in our lives. Surrendering helps us to find balance by recognizing when to exert effort and when to let go. It allows us to trust the process and have faith in our innate wisdom. When we surrender, we acknowledge that we are a part of something greater, surrendering control to a higher power or universal energy. This trust opens doors to new opportunities and helps us to overcome fear, doubt, and resistance.

Surrender as a Journey

But it is so hard to surrender sometimes, isn’t it?

Parents will tell you that it is very hard to watch their children leave the nest, surrendering their babies to the adult lives they were born to live.

People with unhealthy habits will tell you that it is nearly impossible to surrender their behaviors, if for no other reason than the fact that these behaviors have become hardwired into their identities. Their behaviors have become who they are and without these behaviors, their identities are lost.

Narcissists who enjoy never-ending attention find it impossible to surrender their time in the spotlight to others because this attention feeds their egos.

The thing is, we all hold on to expectations, desires, behaviors, control, outcomes, and judgments. It is the safe thing to do. When we surrender and let go, we usher in the unknown, uncontrolled, and unexpected, and for most, this is a scary proposition.

Surrender is not a destination, however. It is an ongoing journey. Through the regular practice of yoga, we deepen our capacity to surrender. Each time we step onto our mat, we let go of expectations and surrender to the unfolding experience. It is through continuous surrender that we discover our true selves and invite profound transformation.

 A Parting Thought…

Yoga and surrender are intertwined in the beautiful dance of self-discovery and growth. By surrendering, we release the need for control, embrace vulnerability, find balance, and trust the process of life. Through this practice, we open ourselves to transformation and create space for profound healing and inner peace.

Be well dear Yogis and know that when you surrender, your life unfolds in miraculous ways.


Angela Megasko