Yoga Poses For Opening Your Heart


Last time we spoke about letting go of habits, relationships, and fear. When you begin to let go, you get excited, unstuck, and begin to release. You begin to open your heart and your mind to possibilities that you may have not thought about before.

Whatever we are waiting forpeace of mind, contentment, grace, the inner awareness of simple abundanceit will surely come to us, but only when we are ready to receive it with an open and grateful heart. Sarah Ban Breathnach

Years of holding back doesn’t just disappear in a day, a week or a month. It’s not an on/off switch. Rather, you need to begin to peel back the layers to find your way back to your values and purpose.

Yoga can help

Yoga supports your heart in both the physical (blood pumping) and metaphysical (emotional) ways.Practicing yoga on a regular basis will strengthen and tone your heart muscles, decrease cardiovascular risk factors, and improve your circulatory and respiratory systems. Yoga also helps to relieve anxiety and stress that creates havoc in all areas of your body including your emotions.

Your Heart Chakra is one of the major energy centers. As life happens, hurt, loss and betrayal are part of you experience. As these pains happen you put up little walls to protect yourself. And at some point, you realize there is an imbalance. You may even find it difficult to receive and give love and compassion. This defense may even manifest in disease and other physical weaknesses.

Movement, as in heart-opening yoga poses, and breathing are uncomplicated ways to address emotional blockages and release tension. These back-bending poses and breathing techniques will help you to open and strengthen your heart. Both physically and emotionally! Try them today!

Yoga Poses for Your Heart

Ustrasana (Camel Pose)

Begin on your knees with your legs hip-width apart. Place your palms on your sacrum. Without compressing your lower back, lean back into the support of your hands. If you have the mobility, move into the full pose by reaching your hands to your heels. Think about reaching the center of your chest toward the sky. Bring the hips forward to line up over the knees and reach the tailbone down. Keep the chin drawn toward the chest, or let the head hang back if it feels okay for your neck.

Remain in the pose for a few deep breaths. Release by engaging through your abdominals to bring your body gently back to a kneeling position, then sit back on the heels for a few breaths in Balasana (Child’s Pose).


Bhujangasana (Cobra Pose)

Lie face down with your legs straight out behind you. Un-tuck your toes. Place your hands on the floor, just under your shoulders, spreading your fingers, and hug your elbows to your ribs. Inhale and begin to straighten your arms (the elbows can stay bent). Stretch your heart forward and bring your torso up. Concentrate on firming your shoulder blades against your back and lifting your sternum so that there’s no compression in lower back.


Matsyasana (Fish Pose)

Begin on your back, legs extended, with your hands palms down, under your hips. Inhale and press into your elbows and forearms to arch your upper back and gently place the crown of your head on the floor (it’s okay if it doesn’t make contact). Be careful not to rest too much weight on the head. Remain in the pose for a few breaths. Release and hug your knees into your chest.


Pictures and pose explanations are from

Open your heart to all that is possible. Make your heart strong so you can live the life you choose. You deserve it. You are amazing!

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